Youth Ministry
Youth Program
The middle school and high school years can be both exciting and challenging. At Westminster, we are honored to walk alongside teens in this important life season. In our Youth Ministry, we seek to provide space and opportunities for teens to grow in their relationship with God, to build meaningful relationships with one another, to explore their unique talents and calling, and to serve the world around them.
We meet on Sunday mornings, Sunday evenings, and Wednesday evenings as well as for special events like service projects, outings, mission trips, and summer camps.
Join us soon! Can’t wait to meet you!
Nick Benson, Director

Middle School Ministry
Our Middle School Ministry program is structured for students in grades 6-8. This vibrant group meets weekly using the following schedule:
- 9:30 am for Sunday School
- 5:15 pm for Youth Fellowship including games, ice breakers, and Bible study
- 6pm for Dinner
- 6:30pm for Bible Study
High School Ministry
Our teens are an important part of our Sunday worship! Youth work in the sound booth, perform special music, serve as ushers, sing in the choir, read Scripture, and create and lead an annual Youth Sunday Service.
Before worship, join us at 9:30 for discussion and fellowship!
Throughout the year, we offer service projects, fun outings, lock-ins, and retreats for teens.

Sunday Night Youth
Youth Fellowship is a great way to start off your week! Come out on Sundays from 5:15-7:15 PM for recreation and games as well as a devotional and discussion.
We explore what it looks like to follow Jesus and why it’s worth giving one’s life to Him through Bible Study, Video series, and experiential learning.
We also head off site for a fun outings like Top Golf, Escape Rooms, Sports outings, and more!
Youth Wednesday Nights
We begin at 6 PM with a wonderful home-cooked dinner in our chapel.
After dinner, the youth meet from 6:30-7:30 PM for Bible study, games, and interactive activities.
Join us as we explore the often surprising words of Jesus, whose teachings turn the world upside-down!